Distinguished BAA members of every persuasion, I greet you all.
These are certainly exciting times for our noble Association, as we seek to do all that is necessary to convert the latent or potential energy of BAA to Kinetic energy.
I feel elated on behalf of BAA, to invite you to an exploration trip on our website, which birthing fulfills our promise to take BAA from the position of a digital couch potato to that of an energized, eager and pumped – up association, ranking shoulder to shoulder with the best in the world.
We will continue to instill Responsible Corporate Governance, Transparency and Accountability as tools to minimize cynicism and orneriness in our great assembly.
The BAA website unveiled today is a living document, constantly evolving and improving, with your valuable user – feedback.
Bristow Alumni Association was formed in 1979/80, when old students of the school led by its pioneer National President Mr. Akindigh Ibashwa felt concerned about the plight of the school, that of the old students and future generations of this great citadel of learning. The main aim of the alumni among others is for members to come together to unite themselves into one body, not only to foster a good relationship among themselves but also with the school, and to cultivate a spirit of brotherhood amongst all members.