BAA News

...we are the light of the world!


The newly elected Executive Council, Bristow Alumni Association (BAA) yesterday, 28th July, 2023 held its inaugural meeting during which the EXCO deliberated on ways to bring rapid development to our alma mater, Bristow and the association.

In this light, the EXCO views cohesion of Sets and Branches as a viable foundation of the National Secretariat. Consequently, the BAA President, Dr. Msugh Gbila requests that anywhere there are fifteen (15) BAA members coming together, the EXCO should be informed so that they would come in to assist them open a branch. The EXCO recognises individual BAA members’ contributions over the years which have greatly sustained Bristow and once again, appeals for their understanding as the task of taking our alma mater to another level has just begun.

Also, the Executive Council in line with the provisions of the constitution, appointed;

  1. Barr. Mrs. Ruth Yega Iorum-Aorga -Legal Adviser (Set 1992)
  2. Mr. Orgem Emmanuel – Ex-Officio (Set 2004)

ORJIME, Igbakura
National P.R.O.
29th July, 2023.

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