BAA News

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The BAA National President, Dr. Msugh Gbila has approved the following members into the July, 2024 BAA National Convention Organising Committee and Sub-committees;

Convention Planning Committee

  1. Akaade TE-Chairman

  2. Terfa Kwagh: Co-Chairman

  3. Doo Tofi Ene: Vice Chairman

1- CPC Secretariat : Responsible for convention programs, all secretariat activities, general support to sub-committees.

Head : Mr. John Yawe
Assistant: Barr Timothy Kyuga
David Nyitar – NGS
Terkumbur Belamo – AGS
Orgem Emmanuel
All Branch Secretaries
Rex Terhemba Gyado

2- Registration & Ushering:
Responsible for registration before & during the convention, ushering of all attendees to ensure orderly sitting & response to queries, systems setup and other related activities that may be assigned.

Head : Benedicta Makir
Assistant:Ternder Abagu,
Fater Mtomga,
Prince Orkuma Goon
Philip Mchia
Sylvia Ayagwa
Beauty Nguekwagh
Eunice Gbenda
Barbara Aza
Ashina Udende

3 -Finance: Responsible for sourcing of funds, budget control ( receive budgets from all sub-committees, review for approval and disbursements with all financial related activities)

Doo Tofi Ene: Head,
Assistant: Orfega Kachina
Mfe Ingya
Dr. Iortyer M. (Atuna)
Zackary Gwa, PhD
Andy Ayabam, PhD
Terna Abbo
Rev. Isaac Koko
All Set Coordinators
Nguveren Ukange -NT
Akpenpuun Ukpi-NDoF
All branch Fin. Secretaries

4- Welfare: Responsible for all welfare related activities, food/drinks, refreshments, etc.

Head : Ngunan Ahire,
Assistant: Seember Iortyom.
Nguuma Dera-NDOS
All branch DOS
All Branch Chairmen
Mrs Becky Zuave
Cassandra Gyangyang
Barr. Doose Atsa’am
Mfame UGA -JOSTUM Chapter
Beauty Nguakwagh: UMM Chapter
Ngusha Ter: BSU Chapter

5- Entertainment: Responsible for entertainment, mobilize performing BAA Artistes, Entertainers, Comedians, Singers etc.
To work hand in hand with convention Secretariat to align and fit its activities into the program.

Head : Kelvin Acka.
Assistant: David AllGreen Fiase
Ephraim Geri
Emmanuel Tyavyar

6- Venue/Accommodation/Logistics: Responsible for the venue of all events, hotel reservations for members and decorations, provision of accommodation where required, vehicular arrangements/transportation and related services as may be required or assigned.

Head : Martins Gill,
Assistant: Sevendaga Gbakighir
Gboko Branch Exco
All Branch DOS as members
Bret Igbakule
Terungwa Chieshe
Solomon Akpen
Doo Atsor

7- ICT:
Head : Msughter Gyangyang.
Assistant: Sefa Tsegha
e-BAA workshop members
Emmanuel Tyavyar
Diddy Deisho Orafa

8- Security:
Head: Edwin Toranyiin (PhD).
Assistant: Tivfa Angou
SP. Torungwa Damsa
SP. Arumun Nomiyugh
Moses Akor
Apav Vegher
Terungwa Sabe

9- Media & Publicity: Responsible for all logo and brochure design, branded materials and printing, all media and publicity activities, video interviews, banners, etc.

Head : Charles Erukaa,
Assistant:Terver Tyav
Orjime Igbakura-NPRO
All branch PROs
All Set PROs
Philip Mchia
Lohodedoo Shima
Iorwuese Mtomga
Nathan Mbakaan Kersha Akosu

10- Medicals: Carryout medical outreach, Pep talk on health and wellness, etc.

Head : Dr. Iortyer M. (Atuna)
Assistant: Dr. Ikyaayough.

BAA Medical Corps
Dr.Terver Dzua Tule
Dr. Ephraim Akase,
Dr Pevkyaa Yandev
Dr. Terhemen Igbudu
Dr Luper Ervihi Uva
Terkegh Tsegba,
Dr. Faajir etc
BAA Nurses

11- Awards:
TOR will be communicated to the subcommittee.

Head : Dr. Emmanuel . Gemade,
Assistant: Gabriel Yongo
Job Ahire
Pst. Rex Aii Yenge
Hon Tarhule Nev.
Chivir Adzer, PhD
All branch Chairmen
Pst. Amos Atindiga
Asaka Gar
Barr Kpaadoo Chia

NB: Sub-committee heads are at liberty to co-opt more members whom they feel can provide support for the overall success of their tasks.

ORJIME Igbakura,
BAA National P.R.O.
9th May, 2024.

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