BAA News

...we are the light of the world!


Distinguished BAA members of every persuasion, I greet you all.

These are certainly exciting times for our noble Association, as we seek to do all that is necessary to convert the latent or potential energy of BAA to Kinetic energy.

I feel elated on behalf of BAA, to invite you to an exploration trip on our website, which birthing fulfills our promise to take BAA from the position of a digital couch potato to that of an energized, eager and pumped – up association, ranking shoulder to shoulder with the best in the world.

We will continue to instill Responsible Corporate Governance, Transparency and Accountability as tools to minimize cynicism and orneriness in our great assembly.

The BAA website unveiled today is a living document, constantly evolving and improving, with your valuable user – feedback.

This is also a contact tool for our members, friends, and partners as we interact without the need for travels, itself becoming increasingly difficult amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and attendant movement protocols.

With this “BAA to the World” website now successfully launched, we can say that there are truly, NO MORE BARRIERS!

From now on, it’s no more “Business As Usual” in BAA, but “Business Unusual”!

Let’s feel BAA.

Manz Denga,
National President/Chief Servant of BAA

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25 Responses

    1. Avatar photo
      John Yawe

      This is a positive development. I am glad to be associated with this noble cause.
      Thanks to the NP, his Exco and the technical team o my the project

  1. Avatar photo
    Name*Ashemfa Danjuma Andenira

    This is a welcome development. Just what is needed. Congratulations BAA exco the direction is definitely forward. Kudos!!!

  2. Avatar photo
    Mark Aondona Madza

    This is a path in the right direction. Kudos to our indefatigable National President and his Exco. Things can only get better! May the good Lord continue to guide and protect us and above all keep us together as one Big Family. Let’s go Bristow.

  3. Avatar photo
    Joseph Aondona Tseror

    Kudos to our able BAA NP ; Manz Denga and his exco. Within three months of assuming office, yours is more than 7UP. With you as an achiever, BAA is assured that your emergence as NP at the 2021 convention was not a mistake. May your road be rough.

  4. Avatar photo
    Joe Iorliam

    Wonderful! Fantabulous! The giant strides have only began. Converting latent potentials to productivity. Let the parade proceed, unimpeded by competition and self recognition. Posterity judges fairly.

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