BAA News

...we are the light of the world!


(First 100 Days EXCO Scorecard)

I come to you BAA members of every set, bearing the highest regards from EXCO.

“I give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever” – Psalm 136:1

As an EXCO that mainstreams the ethos of transparency and accountability, we present to you an account of our first 100 days in office, today, 11th October, 2021, being 100 Calendar days since our inauguration on 3rd July, 2021.


First, we acknowledge what our creator has done and continues to do for BAA.

Psychologists say that part of the reasons why people resist change is the “comfort of status quo”, i.e. when people get used to their situation and prefer to “just keep managing” according to local lingo.

In Leadership school, one famous example you are given is that of an experiment with a frog kept inside cool water in a low jar that permits easy escape. The frog remains inside while the experimenters increase the temperature on a gradual minute scale until the water becomes warm from cool, and to boiling point, over a span of days. Meanwhile, the frog wouldn’t jump out of the boiling water, and it dies at the boiling point.

It was God that saw the need for change in BAA and orchestrated it, opening our eyes early to the warning signals and ushering in a new leadership.

Proof? The return of peace, involvement of all in our affairs, and the feeling of rebirth that makes us to “FEEL BAA”.

“He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, O God tested us; you refined us like silver” – Psalms 66:9

From hereon and ever, may the mercies and helps of God be continuously available to us in the service and development of BAA.


Dear BAA members, you have done so many things, whether as BOT, CoPP, Past EXCO, Branches or Set persons that it will be the height of ingratitude not to pen a few:

  1. You effected the change of leadership in BAA.
  2. You have forged ahead, yielding to the call for your Time, Talent and Treasure, to sacrificially serve BAA causes.
  3. You have put aside egos, agreeing to serve in the Daniel Committees, headed sometimes by your juniors and people of seemingly less personal accomplishments, all for the general good of BAA.
  4. You continue to suffer personal inconvenience, with a zealotry to make BAA stand out.

All the above and more, that time would not permit me to recount, you do with pride because of the love you have for BAA.


Below is only for the purposes of documentation and recall, not for chest beating, as we are too frail and unworthy:

  1. We held the first ever BAA retreat, over a period of two days where our senior members in BAA service shared their institutional memory with we the juniors, in order to induct us, guide our next steps and banish regression from our assembly.
  2. We put to rest the issue of BAA Seal of Legal Authority
  3. We have given BAA a world class website.
  4. We have inaugurated the Daniel Committees of BAA to give a strategic approach to solving many of BAA’s recent challenges, including Constitution amendment.
  5. We are midway with the process of regularizing and updating our records at CAC.
  6. We are taking two crucial meetings with NKST this month, towards smoothening the rough edges of our relationship, as Father and Son.
  7. Continued mentorship engagements, rejoicing and mourning with members when the situation so demands.
  8. Spent N4,750,000 from personal resources without recourse to BAA for funding.


We are confident in our belief in God to grant BAA her developmental prayers.

As the rest of the Daniel Committees send in their reports, we will commence implementation.

This would be the right time to ask you to pay your dues and be ready to answer our calls for fundraising in order to tackle the many issues staring us in the face.

We at EXCO would continue to be the coordinating and directing body, united to bring and sustain the change BAA needs, to be and remain at the top.

“And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13.

God bless you all.

Manz Denga
BAA Chief Servant

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1 Response

  1. Avatar photo
    Akohol Paul Tertsegha

    Kudos to the exco.
    More grace,wisdom and sound health as you continue with the giant strides.

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